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gsk: Always use RGBA on big-endian architectures

Simon McVittie requested to merge wip/smcv/endian into main

The memorytexture test started failing on big-endian CPUs while using "desktop" GL (not GLES) in commit b0e26873 "gsk: Use has_bgra in more places". The subsequent commit f5812808 "gsk: Restore bigendian support" was meant to fix this, but it seems it did not.

Always taking the RGBA code-path on big-endian might not be optimal, but it seems to result in the test passing again.

Resolves: #6260

Please backport to 4.12.x if accepted: this fixes a regression in 4.12.4.

An alternative way to do this would be to make gdk_gl_context_has_bgra() always return false on big-endian, but that seems like a bit of a lie if the OpenGL implementation does, in fact, support it.

Merge request reports