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interim solution for macOS CI

René de Hesselle requested to merge dehesselle/gtk:macos_ci into main

I can offer to run macOS CI on my runner. I'm calling this "interim solution" since in discussions on Discourse and Matrix ideas/wishes were expressed to not use a bare metal machine but to go for a VM based approach or similar, and I'm not offering to do that. Also I do not want to get in between other people's efforts who might build a solution according to your wishes. However, there is no end date attached to "interim".

This is basically the same deal as GLib has accepted (see glib!3503 (merged)).

my proposal

Move GTK's macOS CI to my Intel runner for the time being. It's a carefully configured bare-metal machine, I manage build isolation myself as I have full control over macOS CI in the projects I'm involved with. (I never went the VM route.) "Full control" would also be my non-negotiable requirement for GTK: as long as this is on my runner, nobody touches macOS CI but me, so that I am always on top of things and can guarantee that everything works as to be expected. To clarify: I'm only talking about the bits in the CI yaml as those are relevant to keeping the runner in a controlled and healthy state.

technical details

  • Parallelization is available (4 slots, shared between GLib and GTK, let's see how this goes).
  • The job can be as fast as 3 minutes under ideal circumstances. (Thanks to ccache and an otherwise idling machine.)
  • Build target is macOS High Sierra 10.13.

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