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gsk/gi: new Path api fixes

Bilal Elmoussaoui requested to merge bilelmoussaoui/gi-gsk into main

See commits. Also noticed that GskPathPoint is exposing the inner union data, is that something that is supposed to be used by the API users ? if so, it would be cool to provide getters of the inner data

    <record name="PathPoint" c:type="GskPathPoint" glib:type-name="GskPathPoint" glib:get-type="gsk_path_point_get_type" c:symbol-prefix="path_point">
      <doc xml:space="preserve">`GskPathPoint` is an opaque type representing a point on a path.

It can be queried for properties of the path at that point, such as its
tangent or its curvature.

To obtain a `GskPathPoint`, use [method@Gsk.Path.get_closest_point].

Note that `GskPathPoint` structs are meant to be stack-allocated, and
don't a reference to the path object they are obtained from. It is the
callers responsibility to keep a reference to the path as long as the
`GskPathPoint` is used.</doc>
      <union name="data" c:type="data">
        <field name="f" writable="1">
          <array zero-terminated="0" fixed-size="8">
            <type name="gfloat" c:type="float"/>
        <field name="p" writable="1">
          <array zero-terminated="0" fixed-size="8">
            <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer"/>

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