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gsk: Pass font options down

Matthias Clasen requested to merge small-text-fixes into master
The cairo_t that we create to render glyphs for
the glyph cache needs to match the font options
that are supposedly governing how glyphs are

Since we allow font options to be different per
widget in gtk, we need to have them at least at
the level of individual render nodes. Adding them
to the lookup key for the glyph cache has the
side effect of solving another problem: We are
not flushing the cache when font options change.

New api here:

GskRenderNode *         gsk_text_node_new_with_font_options     (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
                                                                 PangoFont                  *font,
                                                                 PangoGlyphString           *glyphs,
                                                                 const GdkRGBA              *color,
                                                                 const graphene_point_t     *offset)
Edited by Matthias Clasen

Merge request reports