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Expose gdk_wayland_surface_get_wl_egl_window()

Vivek Kasireddy requested to merge vivekkasireddy/gtk:gtk_egl_wayland into master

Some GTK based applications such as Qemu UI create and manage EGLSurfaces associated with the relevant GdkSurfaces. In order to create an EGLSurface, there needs to be a way to pass the native window object to eglCreateWindowSurface(). While running in an X environment, the native window object can be obtained by calling gdk_x11_surface_get_xid(). Likewise, the native window object can be obtained by calling gdk_wayland_surface_get_wl_egl_window() while running in a Wayland environment. Therefore, this API needs to be exposed to apps.

Edited by Vivek Kasireddy

Merge request reports