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Replace gtk_text_input with text_input_unstable_v3 support

dcz requested to merge dcz/gtk:wl_text_input_clean into gtk-3-24

This is a continuation of !112 (closed), since GTK-3 moved on.

The protocol is being implemented in wlroots, with a WIP branch available at .

The protocol in use was posted as patch v7 of text-input-unstable on wayland-devel.


  1. Check out GTK
  2. Check out the WIP wlroots branch
  3. Build GTK immodule:
./configure --enable-wayland-backend --enable-debug=yes --prefix=`pwd`/../gtk-install
make install
  1. Build wlroots:
meson . ../wlroots-build -Denable_xwayland=false
  1. Try it out with GTK3:
./wlroots-build/examples/input-method 1
WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 GDK_BACKEND=wayland GTK_IM_MODULE=wayland GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE=./gtk-install/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache yad --entry

The input-method application should display data coming from yad, while yad should display a couple of testing patterns.

Edited by dcz

Merge request reports