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Gtk3 Blue outlines / focus rings

Feichtmeier requested to merge Feichtmeier/gtk:Gtk3_24_blue_focus_rings into gtk-3-24
  • introduce two new colors: $focus_border_color for focused / outlined elements and $_coloured_focus_border_color for focused / outlined elements with a colored background color, like suggested/destructive buttons or selected elements
  • set outline / focus color, offset and style accordingly for all widgets
  • adapt entry focus color

Closes #1424 (closed)

((( click the gif to it is opened in another tab in better quality )))





@jimmac please see if you like the implementation, if you want to the code to be somewhere else, just let me know 👍 If we can pin it down for gtk-3-24, I'll port this to gtk 4

Edited by Feichtmeier

Merge request reports