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Reduce useless relinking on configure and fix check for buildtype arguments

Nirbheek Chauhan requested to merge nirbheek/gtk:misc-meson-fixes into master

commit 8de5f02c:

meson: Reduce useless relinking on reconfigure
When we reconfigure, `configure_file()` is called again, and
`*.gresource.xml` files are regenerated, which causes many (all?)
binaries to be relinked. Now we only write those out if the contents
actually changed (or if the output didn't already exist).

This is exactly what Meson already does with `configure_file()` when
`command:` is not used.

While we're at it, also do the same for `` and
`` for completeness. Now even if the input to those
changes, re-building of those custom targets may not result in
relinking if the outputted C files have the same contents.

commit 15513684:

meson: Fix check for builtype arguments
`get_option('buildtype')` will return `'custom'` for most combinations
of `-Doptimization` and `-Ddebug`, but those two will always be set
correctly if only `-Dbuildtype` is set. So we should look at those
options directly.

For the two-way mapping between `buildtype` and `optimization`
+ `debug`, see this table:

Merge request reports