GtkColumnView missing the focus while the row is selected
Steps to reproduce
- Create GtkColumnView instance with default state
- Make every column child widget's focusable as TRUE(all are EditableLabel)
- Build and test
- Select the first row and make the first cell enter edit mode
- Press tab key
- Press tab key, press, press, then found the focused cell is navigating on the last column in every row.
Current behavior
- the active row lost the focus, and yet enter the edit mode
- the navigation order is incorrect.
Expected outcome
- After user press tab key, the second cell should be focused and enter edit mode
- the navigation order should be moved back to the first cell in the next row.
- Make target cell enter edit mode with program code.
Version information
GTK 4.11.2
OS: Windows 10
Additional information
Edited by TAO ZUHONG