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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    a11y: Add GtkAccessibleText interface · 0ca8d748
    Matthias Clasen authored
    The AccessibleText interface is meant to be implemented by widgets and
    other accessible objects that expose selectable, navigatable, or rich
    text to assistive technologies.
    This kind of text is not covered by the plain accessible name and
    description, as it contains things like a caret, or text attributes.
    This commit adds a stub GtkAccessibleText with its basic virtual
    functions; the interface will be implemented by widgets like GtkLabel,
    GtkInscription, GtkText, and GtkTextView. A further commit will ensure
    that the AT-SPI implementation will convert from GTK to AT-SPI through a
    generic (internal API); and, finally, we'll remove the widget type
    checks in the AT-SPI implementation of GtkATContext, and only check for
    Fixes: #5912