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  • Larry Ewing's avatar
    reverted the expose everything changes, I'm not sure why these went in. · e9ed2c18
    Larry Ewing authored
    1999-07-16  Larry Ewing  <>
    	* src/testpixbuf.c (expose_func): reverted the expose everything
    	changes, I'm not sure why these went in.
    	(config_func): bring this up to date with the new pixbuf_scale
    	* src/gdk-pixbuf-io.c: added a couple of warnings to the module
    	loading code so that poeple can diagnose problems better.
    	* src/gdk-pixbuf.c (gdk_pixbux_scale): fix the borkedness, also it
    	no longer allocates a new pixbuf, which make things nicer for the
    	rest of the code.  Unfortunately there is still a problem with
    	scaling rgba images.
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