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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Import the GDI+ gdk-pixbuf loaders for Windows by Dominic Lachowicz and · 6d15bbbe
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    2008-03-21  Tor Lillqvist  <>
    	Import the GDI+ gdk-pixbuf loaders for Windows by Dominic
    	Lachowicz and Alberto Ruiz into the GTK+ tree, from the
    	gdip-pixbuf-loader module.
    	* Add switch --disable-gdiplus-loaders that disables
    	building of the GDI+ loaders.
    	When including loaders in the gdk-pixbuf library, either build in
    	abll the GDI+ ones or none of them. Use just -DINCLUDE_gdiplus in
    	$INCLUDED_LOADER_DEFINE to signal building them in.
    	Add Automake conditionals BUILD_GDIPLUS_LOADERS to indicate
    	whether the GDI+ loaders should be built and INCLUDE_GDIPLUS to
    	indicate whether they should be built-in.
    	For the rest of the changes, see gdk-pixbuf/ChangeLog.
    	In gdk-pixbuf:
    	* Add the bits and pieces for the GDI+ loaders. When
    	building GDI+ loaders don't build the traditional ones for the
    	same formats. Always build the traditional PNG loader, though, as
    	it isn't possible to read ...