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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    joinedmenu: add helper to join menus instead of nesting · d63d9b23
    Christian Hergert authored
    In many cases, we have an "extra-menu" property that is used to allow
    applications to join menus into the native menu for the widget. Previously,
    this was done by nesting that menu in a section.
    Doing so increases the complexity of the rules for GtkMenuTracker as you
    may want different handling from inside of the section vs toplevel
    If instead we synthetically glue the menus together, we have a much more
    natural joining of menus as the application developer would expect for
    their menu.
    This also ports GtkLabel, GtkText, GtkPasswordEntry, and GtkTextView to
    use the joined menu helper.
    The joined menu helper comes originally from GNOME Builder and has had
    extensive use there.
    Fixes #4094