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  • Hans Breuer's avatar
    set HWND_NOTOPMOST for modal==FALSE, fixes bug #118435 · d2c64e30
    Hans Breuer authored
    2003-08-04  Hans Breuer  <>
    	* gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.c(gdk_window_set_modal_hint) :
    	set HWND_NOTOPMOST for modal==FALSE, fixes bug #118435
    	* gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.c : implement gdk_window_[un]fullscreen
    	(gdk_window_{move,resize,move_rezize})) : noop if FULLSCREEN
    	* gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.c (gdk_window_set_icon) :
    	against all expectations it is basically ony a call with WM_SETICON
    	needed (the visual effect is there, though colors or mask are
    	still somewhat wrong).
    	* gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.h : place to store the HICON
    	* gdk/win32/gdkdrawabke.win32.c : readded the conditional end
    	pixel drawing as it was fixed at 1999-08-23
    	gtk/gtk.def : updated
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