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  • Daniel Boles's avatar
    testsuite/gtk/defaultvalue: Actually build...& fix · ca94ff10
    Daniel Boles authored
    It looks like this got dropped during the move from autotools and never
    restored. I can see why, since making it work wasn't a hugely fun task!
    Notes on some less then obvious details:
     * PlacesSidebar is private now and didn't seem to be to be particularly
       easy to adapt to, so this moves to checking for it by name, not TYPE.
       I couldn't find a (fast) better way; if you know how, please clean up
     * added 2 casts to avoid warnings from the new type-propagating ref()
     * GdkClipboard and GdkContentProvider need some properties dodged
     * GtkToolItemGroup is gone
     * fixed indentation and used TypeName:property-name syntax in a print()