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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    Use g_timeout_add_seconds_full() for the timed poll of the storage file, · ca0ad888
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    2007-06-19  Emmanuele Bassi  <>
    	* gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c: Use g_timeout_add_seconds_full() for
    	the timed poll of the storage file, since we are using multiple
    	seconds intervals and we don't actually care about millisecond
    	(threads_dispatch), (threads_free), (gtk_recent_manager_init),
    	(gtk_recent_manager_set_filename): Roll our own version of
    	gdk_threads_add_timeout() using g_timeout_add_seconds_full()
    	while holding the GDK main lock.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=18185