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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    gtk/gtkbutton.h gtk/gtkcellrenderer.h gtk/gtkimcontext.h gtk/gtkstyle.h · a362eecc
    Michael Natterer authored
    2008-01-25  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* gtk/gtkbutton.h
    	* gtk/gtkcellrenderer.h
    	* gtk/gtkimcontext.h
    	* gtk/gtkstyle.h
    	* gtk/gtktoolbar.h
    	* gtk/gtktooltip.h
    	* gtk/gtktreeprivate.h
    	* gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.h
    	* gtk/gtkwidget.h: add const to constant structs which are passed
    	into GTK+. Also add some forgotten const for const strings.
    	* gtk/gtkbutton.c
    	* gtk/gtkcellrenderer.c
    	* gtk/gtkimcontext.c
    	* gtk/gtkstyle.c
    	* gtk/gtktoolbar.c
    	* gtk/gtktooltip.c
    	* gtk/gtktreeview.c
    	* gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.c
    	* gtk/gtkwidget.c: changed accordingly.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=19399
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