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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    gtk/gtktextlayout.c (line_display_iter_to_index) Only adjust the preedit · a5f9b185
    Owen Taylor authored
    Thu Jan 29 18:08:06 2004  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtktextlayout.c (line_display_iter_to_index)
            * gtk/gtktextlayout.c (line_display_index_to_iter): Only
            adjust the preedit position for lines that include the
            preedit string. (#132353, Yao Zhang). How the heck
            did this work as well as it did?!?!
            * modules/input/gtkimcontextxim.c (gtk_im_context_xim_get_ic):
            Reverse change to change of XNFilterEvents event mask from
            #110493 -- it's documented and in the Xlib code an
            unsigned long.
            * modules/input/gtkimcontextxim.c (preedit_start_callback):
            Return -1 rather than void to indicate no length limit.