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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    Change so that updates of selection don't take effect immediately, but · a03f567e
    Owen Taylor authored
    Wed Nov 13 17:03:19 2002  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c: Change so that updates of selection
            don't take effect immediately, but only when popdown
            is closed with a button release within the combo
            or Return/Enter.
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c: Support Alt-Down to pop down the
            combo, Alt-Up to pop it back up, Space to immediately
            select current item.
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c (gtk_combo_entry_key_press): Don't
            move the focus when we get to the ends of the list
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c: Fix handling of state in ad-hoc
            keybinding handling to be a bit more reasonable.
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c (gtk_combo_popup_list): Clear
            last_focus_child when no item is selected so we
            don't start focusing from some random place.
            * gtk/gtkcombo.c (gtk_combo_init): Make
            gtk_combo_set_use_arrows_always, enable_arrows_always
            properties have no effect, they were an awful idea.
            Always behave as if enable_arrows_always is true.
            * gtk/gtknotebook.c: Fix a warning.
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