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  • LRN's avatar
    GDK W32: Adapt to GdkDrop and GdkDragContext changes · 8ee4de80
    LRN authored
    * Remove clipdrop->dnd_target_state, it's not used anymore
    * Remove non-functioning _gdk_dropfiles_store(), store dropfiles
      list in GdkWin32Drop instead
    * Fix multiple comment typos
    * Fix _gdk_win32_get_clipboard_format_name_as_interned_mimetype() to
      leave names that look like mime/types alone
    * Refactor _gdk_win32_add_w32format_to_pairs() to populate
      GdkContentFormatsBuilder directly, instead of making a GList
    * Rename context -> drag (still using GdkDragContext type,
      but [almost?] all variables and comments say "drag" now)
    * Rename GdkDropContext -> GdkDrop
    * Rename some parameter names for clarity
    * Rewrite local protocol to look more like OLE2 protocol
      instead of mirroring the structure of the X11 API.
    * Add handle_events field to GdkWin32DragContext,
      to shut off event handling (temporary fix until GTK is patched up)
    * Remove _gdk_win32_drag_context_find() - the drag object is stored
      in GdkDrop instead. Use _gdk_win32_find_drag_for_des...