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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    macos: use CALayer and IOSurface for rendering · 8b71cff7
    Christian Hergert authored
    This provides a major shift in how we draw both when accelerated OpenGL
    as well as software rendering with Cairo. In short, it uses tiles of Core
    Animation's CALayer to display contents from an OpenGL or Cairo rendering
    so that the window can provide partial damage updates. Partial damage is
    not generally available when using OpenGL as the whole buffer is flipped
    even if you only submitted a small change using a scissor rect.
    Thankfully, this speeds up Cairo rendering a bit too by using IOSurface to
    upload contents to the display server. We use the tiling system we do for
    OpenGL which reduces overall complexity and differences between them.
    A New Buffer
    GdkMacosBuffer is a wrapper around an IOSurfaceRef. The term buffer was
    used because 1) surface is already used and 2) it loosely maps to a
    front/back buffer semantic.
    However, it appears that IOSurfaceRef contents are being retained in
    some fashion (likely in the compositor result) so we can update the same
    IOSurfaceRef without flipping as long as we're fast. This appears to be
    what Chromium does as well, but Firefox uses two IOSurfaceRef and flips
    between them. We would like to avoid two surfaces because it doubles the
    GPU VRAM requirements of the application.
    Changes to Windows
    Previously, the NSWindow would dynamically change between different
    types of NSView based on the renderer being used. This is no longer
    necessary as we just have a single NSView type, GdkMacosView, which
    inherits from GdkMacosBaseView just to keep the tedius stuff separate
    from the machinery of GdkMacosView. We can merge those someday if we
    are okay with that.
    Changes to Views
    GdkMacosCairoView, GdkMacosCairoSubView, GdkMacosGLView have all been
    removed and replaced with GdkMacosView. This new view has a single
    CALayer (GdkMacosLayer) attached to it which itself has sublayers.
    The contents of the CALayer is populated with an IOSurfaceRef which
    we allocated with the GdkMacosSurface. The surface is replaced when
    the NSWindow resizes.
    Changes to Layers
    We now have a dedicated GdkMacosLayer which contains sublayers of
    GdkMacosTile. The tile has a maximum size of 128x128 pixels in device
    The GdkMacosTile is partitioned by splitting both the transparent
    region (window bounds minus opaque area) and then by splitting the
    opaque area.
    A tile has either translucent contents (and therefore is not opaque) or
    has opaque contents (and therefore is opaque). An opaque tile never
    contains transparent contents. As such, the opaque tiles contain a black
    background so that Core Animation will consider the tile's bounds as
    opaque. This can be verified with "Quartz Debug -> Show opaque regions".
    Changes to Cairo
    GTK 4 cannot currently use cairo-quartz because of how CSS borders are
    rendered. It simply causes errors in the cairo_quartz_surface_t backend.
    Since we are restricted to using cairo_image_surface_t (which happens to
    be faster anyway) we can use the IOSurfaceBaseAddress() to obtain a
    mapping of the IOSurfaceRef in user-space. It always uses BGRA 32-bit
    with alpha channel even if we will discard the alpha channel as that is
    necessary to hit the fast paths in other parts of the platform. Note
    that while Cairo says CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, it is really 32-bit BGRA on
    little-endian as we expect.
    OpenGL will render flipped (Quartz Native Co-ordinates) while Cairo
    renders with 0,O in the top-left. We could use cairo_translate() and
    cairo_scale() to reverse this, but it looks like some cairo things may
    not look quite as right if we do so. To reduce the chances of one-off
    bugs this continues to draw as Cairo would normally, but instead uses
    an CGAffineTransform in the tiles and some CGRect translation when
    swapping buffers to get the same effect.
    Changes to OpenGL
    To simplify things, removal of all NSOpenGL* related components have
    been removed and we strictly use the Core GL (CGL*) API. This probably
    should have been done long ago anyay.
    Most examples found in the browsers to use IOSurfaceRef with OpenGL are
    using Legacy GL and there is still work underway to make this fit in
    with the rest of how the GSK GL renderer works.
    Since IOSurfaceRef bound to a texture/framebuffer will not have a
    default framebuffer ID of 0, we needed to add a default framebuffer id
    to the GdkGLContext. GskGLRenderer can use this to setup the command
    queue in such a way that our IOSurface destination has been
    glBindFramebuffer() as if it were the default drawable.
    This stuff is pretty slight-of-hand, so where things are and what needs
    flushing when and where has been a bit of an experiment to see what
    actually works to get synchronization across subsystems.
    Efficient Damages
    After we draw with Cairo, we unlock the IOSurfaceRef and the contents
    are uploaded to the GPU. To make the contents visible to the app,
    we must clear the tiles contents with `layer.contents=nil;` and then
    re-apply the IOSurfaceRef. Since the buffer has likely not changed, we
    only do this if the tile overlaps the damage region.
    This gives the effect of having more tightly controlled damage regions
    even though updating the layer would damage be the whole window (as it
    is with OpenGL/Metal today with the exception of scissor-rect).
    This too can be verified usign "Quartz Debug -> Flash screen udpates".
    Frame Synchronized Resize
    In GTK 4, we have the ability to perform sizing changes from compute-size
    during the layout phase. Since the macOS backend already tracks window
    resizes manually, we can avoid doing the setFrame: immediately and instead
    do it within the frame clock's layout phase.
    Doing so gives us vastly better resize experience as we're more likely to
    get the size-change and updated-contents in the same frame on screen. It
    makes things feel "connected" in a way they weren't before.
    Some additional effort to tweak gravity during the process is also
    necessary but we were already doing that in the GTK 4 backend.
    The design here has made an attempt to make it possible to backport by
    keeping GdkMacosBuffer, GdkMacosLayer, and GdkMacosTile fairly
    independent. There may be an opportunity to integrate this into GTK 3's
    quartz backend with a fair bit of work. Doing so could improve the
    situation for applications which are damage-rich such as The GIMP.