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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    compose: Generate endian-dependent compact Compose data · 52cdf305
    Simon McVittie authored
    The GtkComposeTable cache is always in big-endian format and is
    byteswapped on load for the more common little-endian CPUs, but
    init_builtin_table() in GtkIMContextSimple can't byteswap the built-in
    data without copying it, which is undesirable. Pregenerate both big-
    and little-endian compose data, and compile the correct flavour into
    each build of GTK. This fixes failure of the composetable test when
    building for a big-endian architecture such as s390x and (traditional,
    big-endian) powerpc.
    Resolves: #4217
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon McVittie <>