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  • Olivier Fourdan's avatar
    wayland: Add support for xdg-output · 1f64689c
    Olivier Fourdan authored
    Previously, the GDK backend for Wayland would deduce the logical size
    of the monitors from the wl_output size and scale.
    With the addition of fractional scaling which advertises a larger scale
    value and then scale down the client surface, the computed logical size
    of the monitors in GDK would be wrong and confuse applications which
    insist on using the monitor size and position (like Firefox).
    The xdg-output protocol aims at describing outputs in a way which is more
    in line with the concept of an output on desktop oriented systems by
    presenting the outputs using their logical size and position appropriately
    Add support for the optional xdg-output protocol so that the size and
    position of the monitors as reported by GDK is correct even when using
    fractional scaling.
    Fixes: #1828