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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    Implement a loader for named themed icon based on from gnome-desktop · a72aed4e
    Owen Taylor authored
    Wed Jul  2 18:00:56 2003  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtkicontheme.[ch]: Implement a loader for
            named themed icon based on from gnome-desktop library
            by Alex Larsson.
            * gtk/gtkiconthemeparser.[ch]: .ini file parsing code
            from gnome-desktop.
            * gtk/gtkiconfactory.[ch]: Add
            gtk_icon_source_set/get_icon_name() to allow stock icons
            to be based off of named theme icons.
            * gtk/gtkiconfactory.c: Rework sources so that the source
            is *either* a pixbuf, or a filename, or an icon name,
            instead of the pixbuf/filename mix it was before. Put a
            workaround for get_pixbuf() so that it can return the
            filename pixbuf, e.g, for render_icon().
            * gtk/gtkiconfactory.c: Make the default setup use
            themed icons, and add builtin icons to the default
            icon theme for all the standard pixbufs, so we
            don't rely on actua...