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  • Federico Mena Quintero's avatar
    Save selection to recent-files in the asynchronous Save cases · 09cf0f73
    Federico Mena Quintero authored
    Various paths in SAVE or CREATE_FOLDER return from ::should_respond() but
    leave an asynchronous process running.  This process checks some things
    in the user's selection, for example, 'does the file exist, and if so
    do we need to bring up an overwrite-confirmation dialog?'.  When these
    async processes complete *and* it is indeed time for the dialog to
    be terminated (via the response-requested signal), we also need to
    save the selection to the recently-used list - as ::should_respond() does
    by itself in the cases when it can request a response immediately.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFederico Mena Quintero <>