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  • René de Hesselle's avatar
    Reformat modulesets-stable using HTML tidy · 797faaf5
    René de Hesselle authored
    It may not be perfect and taste is debatable, but surrendering the
    formatting to a tool improves uniformity and liberates us from
    having to care about it ourselves. Small excpetions being the
    formatting of comments and the introduction of comment lines as an
    aid for humans to quickly distinguish modules from each other (tidy
    cannot work with empty lines for that), those remain manual tasks.
    Reformat comments to a uniform block style.
    Add small empty comment lines to visually separate modules from each
    other in cases where there is no existing comment to fulfil that
    Fix some minor XML errors like duplicate closing tags.
    Use empty elements where appropriate, i.e. mostly turning
    "<branch foo=bar></branch>" into "<branch foo=bar />".
    Accept some "formatting weirdness" where tidy introduces empty lines
    (sometimes with, sometimes without whitespace characters) for reasons
    unknown. It happens depending on length of line, so it is