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feat: "Set as Background" for KDE

Surya Teja K requested to merge shanmukhateja/gthumb:feat-set-bg-kde into master

First time contributor here! MR inspired from #158 but for KDE.

Proposed Solution:

In KDE, we need to use D-Bus with JS code to update wallpaper for desktops. I noticed this technique is being used in several projects.

Please note that, I tried g_dbus APIs for this but although the request went through, the wallpaper wasn't being updated for unknown reasons. Hence, I resorted to g_spawn_command_line_async + dbus-send.


I have hidden "Undo" and "Preferences" buttons from Info bar after setting the wallpaper in KDE for the following reasons:

  1. Unable to trigger Undo action after setting wallpaper because we can't read old_style from Plasma programatically. Please find reference here from KDE Contributor's comment here

  2. Couldn't find a way to show Wallpaper Settings from terminal. Hence, Preferences button had to go for KDE.

I don't know C at all and my GTK skills are equally bad.

Merge request reports