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  • Paolo Bacchilega's avatar
    use images instead of text. · cbac2bbc
    Paolo Bacchilega authored and Paolo Bacchilega's avatar Paolo Bacchilega committed
    2003-08-04  Paolo Bacchilega  <>
            * data/albumthemes/Clean/index.gthtml:
            * data/albumthemes/Clean/image.gthtml:
            * data/albumthemes/Clean/lest_arrow.png:
            * data/albumthemes/Clean/right_arrow.png:
            * data/albumthemes/Clean/up_arrow.png: use images instead of text.
            * src/dlg-jpegtran.c (apply_tran): display the error with a dialog.
            * src/jpegutils/jpegtran.c (jpegtran): use a custom error handler.
            * src/catalog-web-exporter.c (export__copy_images)
            (export__save_images, image_data_new): rename images before
            copying them to the destination. (fixes bug #118098).
            * src/ fix message inconsistency (bug #118958).