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  • Mike Fleetwood's avatar
    Capture LUKS mapping master encryption key location (#59) · 099b85fe
    Mike Fleetwood authored and Curtis Gedak's avatar Curtis Gedak committed
    When GParted tries to resize an open LUKS encryption mapping and the
    volume (master) key was stored in the kernel keyring service [1] it
    fails like this:
        Check and repair file system ([Encrypted] ext4) on /dev/...(ERROR)
        + calibrate /dev/sdd1                                      (SUCCESS)
        + check file system on /dev/mapper/sdd1_crypt for errors...(SUCCESS)
        + grow encryption volume to fill the partition             (ERROR)
          + cryptsetup -v resize 'sdd1_crypt'                      (ERROR)
              Command failed with code -1 (wrong or missing parameters).
              Nothing to read on input.
    This error occurs with cryptsetup >= 2.0, kernel >= 4.10 and LUKS2
    format because the crypt Device-Mapper target no longer has the volume
    key so cryptsetup resize prompts for a passphrase, but GParted doesn't
    provide it.
    Additionally capture the location of the volume (master) key location
    for active encryption mappings.  Do this the using the same method that
    cryptsetup uses [2][3].  Namely if the first character of the KEY is a
    ":" then the key *was* stored in the kernel keyring service, otherwise
    it *is* store in the Device-Mapper crypt target as previously.
        # echo -n badpassword | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 /dev/sdb1 -
        # echo -n badpassword | cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 sdb1_crypt
        # cryptsetup status sdb1_crypt | egrep 'type|key location'
          type:         LUKS1
          key location: dm-crypt
        # echo -n badpassword | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks2 /dev/sdb2 -
        # echo -n badpassword | cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb2 sdb2_crypt
        # cryptsetup status sdb2_crypt | egrep 'type|key location'
          type:         LUKS2
          key location: keyring
        # dmsetup table --target crypt
        sdb1_crypt: 0 520192 crypt aes-xts-plain64 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 8:17 4096
        sdb2_crypt: 0 491520 crypt aes-xts-plain64 :64:logon:cryptsetup:3d040240-97ba-4559-af98-72c3be500498-d0 0 8:18 32768
    First character of the KEY field --------------'
    [1] Integration with the kernel keyring service
        Starting with cryptsetup 2.0 we load [Volume Key] VK in kernel
        keyring by default for LUKSv2 devices ...
        In summary, the key description visible in dm-crypt table line is a
        reference to VK that usually no longer exists in kernel keyring
        service if you used cryptsetup to for device activation.
    [2] cryptsetup/v2.3.5/lib/libdevmapper.c:_dm_target_query_crypt()
            if (key_[0] == ':')
                *act_flags |= CRYPT_ACTIVATE_KEYRING_KEY;
    [3] cryptsetup/v2.3.5/src/cryptsetup.c:action_status()
            log_std("  key location: %s\n", (cad.flags & CRYPT_ACTIVATE_KEYRING_KEY) ? "keyring" : "dm-crypt");
    Closes #59 - Resize of LUKS2 encrypted file system fails with "Nothing
                 to read on input"