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  • Luca Bacci's avatar
    Request natural width in Gtk::ScrolledWindows for Gtk >= 3.22 (!39) · eeffd505
    Luca Bacci authored and Mike Fleetwood's avatar Mike Fleetwood committed
    Before Gtk 3.22 GtkScrolledWindow propagated natural size to its
    Children and so on to descendants.  In Gtk 3.22 this was changed to
    always request the minimum size.  This was done because it is believed
    to be a safer default (gives a better behaviour) in case of dynamic
    content inside the scrolled window, that is, content that may change
    allocated size. [1][2][3]
    When the scrolled window content is not dynamic the natural size is
    preferable because it gives a better looking layout and without any
    In the case of GParted content which is not dynamic, so request the
    scrolled windows to allocate children at natural sizes for Gtk >= 3.22.
    The benefits of natural size allocation are evident in presence of
    wrapping labels (for example inside the "Partition Info" dialog), that
    with the minimum size request likely end up taking a very small width.
    [1] Gtk commit from 2016-08-31:
        GtkScrolledWindow: Make propagation of natural child sizes optional
        "Making propagation of child natural sizes mandatory (or default,
        even) was evidently a mistake as this causes dynamic content in a
        scrolled window to resize it's parent when the scrolled window is
        competing for space with an adjacent widget."
    [2] Gtk 3.22 Reference Documentation -
    [3] Gtkmm 3.24 Gtk::ScrolledWindow Class Reference,
        set_propagate_natural_width() method
    [4] Gtkmm 3.21.6 NEWS
        "ScrolledWindow: Added get/set_propagate_natural_height/width() and
        the properties."
    Closes !39 - Always request natural size inside Gtk::ScrolledWindow