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  • Mike Fleetwood's avatar
    Cache looked up major, minor numbers in BlockSpecial class (#767842) · 003d6eff
    Mike Fleetwood authored and Curtis Gedak's avatar Curtis Gedak committed
    Creation of every BlockSpecial object used to result in a stat() OS
    call.  On one of my test VMs debugging with 4 disks and a few partitions
    on each, GParted refresh generated 541 calls to stat() in the
    BlockSpecial(name) constructor.  However there were only 45 unique
    names.  So on average each name was stat()ed approximately 12 times.
    Cache the major, minor number associated with each name after starting
    with a cleared cache for each GParted refresh.  This reduces these
    direct calls to stat() to just the 45 unique names.
    Bug 767842 - File system usage missing when tools report alternate block
                 device names