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  • Kalev Lember's avatar
    Move libffi and gmodule to Requires.private in .pc files · a847eb80
    Kalev Lember authored
    The intention of the change is to clean up unnecessary linking with
    libffi and gmodule in g-i consumers as they typically don't use any
    libffi/gmodule symbols.
    Listing libffi and gmodule in pkg-config Requires meant that every
    consumer that wanted to link with -lgirepository also got -lffi and
    -lgmodule-2.0, which caused ld to emit unnecessary DT_NEEDED entries.
    Moving the deps to Requires.private removes the internal dependencies
    from 'pkg-config --libs', but keeps them in --libs --static output. The
    change won't affect --cflags and the include directories necessary for
    <ffi.h> will still be listed.