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  • Adrian Custer's avatar
    NEWS Finished this revision of the 'Working with files' chapter. · c7ce3f2b
    Adrian Custer authored
    2004-10-03  Adrian Custer <>
    	* NEWS Finished this revision of the 'Working with files' chapter.
    	* figures/textguru-export-panel1-withTags.png: Added.
    	* figures/textguru-export-panel2-withTags.png: Added.
    	* figures/files-csv-export-ex1.png
    	* figures/files-csv-export-ex2.png
    	* figures/ Add and delete files above.
    	* gnumeric.xml: Disable the "About" chapter.
    	* files-overview.xml: Add a TODO.
    	* files-formats.xml: change link to 'encoding'. Get rid of Ray's
    	stupid dummy <title> tags since they cause yelp to add a table
    	number we don't need. Run off and mess up your own part of the
    	docs. Any validator that requires a title element ought to be
    	forced to write a docbook.
    	* files-opening.xml: change link to 'encoding'.
    	* files-textopen.xml: move three 'complexities' down a
    	                      level. Write structuring section. Write
    			      intro paragraph for components section.
    	* files-saving.xml: Edits to make parallel to files-opening.
    	* files-textsave.xml: Edits to update, add figures.
    	* files-email.xml:
    	* files-ssconvert.xml: Edits.