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  • JodyGoldberg's avatar
    Clear out my backlog in case I get hit by a bus on this trip · 82960557
    JodyGoldberg authored
    2004-06-13  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* ms-escher.c (excel_write_MS_O_DRAWING_GROUP) : merge the xp and 2k
    	  versions and tidy up.  This will likely need some work for blips
    	* ms-chart.c (chart_write_plot) : implement the plot types we can
    	(chart_write_axis) : provide a default for inverted and
    	  log-scale so that we only set them if lookup succeeds.
    	(ms_excel_write_chart) : more work.  gnumeric and OOo can
    	  now import the basic column charts.  XL does not like the colours
    	  and gets the formating wrong, but it can at least read a single
    	  chart happilly.
    	* ms-excel-write.c (excel_write_chart) : put the spid in the write
    	  spot I was off by two bytes.
    	(excel_write_autofilter_objs) : Move the container wrapper from here
    	(excel_write_objs) : to this new routine so that it can be shared by
    	  filters and charts.  We are now close to bit perfect matches to XP.
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