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  • JodyGoldberg's avatar
    Move to new libgsf xml interface. Support un-namespaced variant of Name · 10e16ef5
    JodyGoldberg authored
    2005-10-02  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/xml-sax-read.c : Move to new libgsf xml interface.
    	  Support un-namespaced variant of Name for compatibility.
    	* src/xml-sax-write.c (xml_io_conventions) : Use new gnm_1_0_rangeref_as_string;
    	  to improve back compat.  We read using something that can handle the
    	  modern format, but we write the old version.
    	* src/xml-io.c (xml_io_conventions) : ditto.
    	* src/ranges.c (range_intersection) : return FALSE if the ranges do
    	  not overlap, but do not generate an error.
    	* src/gnumeric-pane.c (gnm_pane_init) : Use a realize handler on the
    	  canvas to create the object views.  Doing it sooner can break
    	  because the canvas has not been attached to a container yet.
    	* src/workbook-control-gui.c (wbcg_sheet_add) : only grab focus if we
    	  are the current sheet.

    	* src/parse-util.c (gnm_1_0_rangeref_as_string) : new stripped down
    	  variant of rangeref_as_string.
    	* src/xml-sax-write.c (xml_io_conventions) : use it here.
    	* src/xml-io.c (xml_io_conventions) : and here.
    	* src/style.c (required_updates_for_style) : add super/sub script
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