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  • Chyla Zbigniew's avatar
    Building excel plugin as shared library, added plugin.xml. · 098d1f56
    Chyla Zbigniew authored
    Building excel plugin as shared library, added plugin.xml.
    * boot.[ch]:
    xxx_debug variables from src/main.c moved here.
    Converted to real plugin with file_opener and file_saver services.
    * plugin.xml: New file.
    * gnumeric/plugins/excel/excel.h, plugins/excel/ms-chart.c,
    plugins/excel/ms-escher.c, plugins/excel/ms-excel-read.c,
    plugins/excel/ms-excel-read.h, plugins/excel/ms-excel-util.c,
    plugins/excel/ms-excel-write.c, plugins/excel/ms-excel-write.h,
    plugins/excel/ms-formula-read.c, plugins/excel/ms-formula-write.c,
    Adjusted function signatures, don't return TRUE/FALSE if using
    IOContext (we don't need boolean value as IOContext now sets
    "error_occurred" flag).
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