deco-Math project, step 00_a: exact bin and dec 'ranges' (in gnumeric). - enhancement request -
on 2021-07-04 i asked in gnumeric-list if somebody can help to implement such, the response was ~ not overwhelming ~ but provided some good tips from @John Denker and @Morten,
target is to have functions 'bin_range' and 'dec_range' (or similar) which switch exactly with the binary and decimal range borders at 0,25; 0,5 ;1; 2; 4 ... and 0,01; 0,1; 1; 10; 100 ... and avoid the small imprecisions of 'LOG' calculations just below range borders. (to reach good precision in general it has to start in the elementary functionalities.)
in the meantime i tried coding it myself and think it works (gnumeric is somewhat 'programmer friendlier' than LO Calc?), but i had my system already pested / improved with some other precision patches, in this respect, surprises may well still hinder the solution,
i'll try to push it into the master, and kindly ask for:
a: a thorough survey,
b: hints for improvements / style / usances,
c: hints if and where i have to care for long doubles and similar,
d: help to get it 'up and running' as it's helpful for other improvements i'm working on ...
best regards,