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  • Miguel de Icaza's avatar
    formula_cell_list *ONLY* exists in the Workbook, not on the Sheet. · ff553ef5
    Miguel de Icaza authored
    1998-11-23  Miguel de Icaza  <>
    	* src/sheet.h: formula_cell_list *ONLY* exists in the Workbook,
    	not on the Sheet.
    	* src/sheet.c (sheet_cell_formula_link,	sheet_cell_formula_unlink):
    	Keep the formula on the Workbook, not on the Sheet.  Thanks to
    	Havoc for reporting these bugs.
    	* src/cell.c (cell_set_formula): Use cell_set_rendered_text to
    	propery set the error messages.
    	(cell_get_text): If value is NULL, use the rendered version of the
    	text instead of re-rendering it.
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