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  • Jody Goldberg's avatar
    fix typo. and generate the expression using the source cell rather than · b6548888
    Jody Goldberg authored
    2001-08-26  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* fn-information.c (gnumeric_expression) : fix typo.
    	  and generate the expression using the source cell rather than then
    	  position with the call to expression.
    2001-08-26  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/gnumeric-graph.c (gnm_graph_add_vector) : merge with
    	  gnum_graph_vector_new and add intelligence to merge multiple
    	  requests for the same vector into a single vector.
    2001-08-26  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/position.c (cellref_get_abs_pos) : rename and adjust signature.
    	* src/expr.c (expr_tree_equal) : new function.
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