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  • JP Rosevear's avatar
    New function that doesn't require an error variable - use only if · 6b68e93d
    JP Rosevear authored
    2000-06-26  JP Rosevear  <>
    	* src/value.c (value_get_as_checked_bool): New function that
    	doesn't require an error variable - use only if confident that
    	the value does actually exist.
    	* src/value.h: Add new prototype.
    	* src/functions/fn-lookup.c: Clean up cruft
    	(find_type_valid): See if the value is a string or is gnumeric.
    	(find_compare_type_valid): See if the types are comparable.
    	(find_bound_walk): Walk an integer range first in one direction
    	and then in the other direction.
    	(find_index_linear): Do a linear search on a range or array.
    	(find_index_bisection): Do a bisection search on a range or array
    	that also follows excel rules for for handling type mismatches
    	during the search and finding the first and last item matching
    	the search.
    	(gnumeric_vlookup): Use new functions and implement undocumented
    	excel behaviour.
    	(gnumeric_hlookup): ditto
    	(gnumeric_lookup): ditto
    	(gnumeric_match): ditto
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