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  • Miguel de Icaza's avatar
    Now we take a Workbook argument to bind the dialog boxes properly to the · 1947c6d4
    Miguel de Icaza authored
    1999-02-06  Miguel de Icaza  <>
    	* src/gnumeric-util.c (gnumeric_notice): Now we take a Workbook
    	argument to bind the dialog boxes properly to the main window.  We
    	use gnome_messagebox now to report errors.  We now take a type
    	parameter for the message box type.
    	* plugins/ff-csv/csv-io.c: Use gnumeric_error
    	* src/workbook.c (wb_input_finished): Call sheet_set_current_value
    	instead of the cancel pending input routine.
    	* Moved src/csv-io.[ch] to the plugins/ff-csv directory and
    	converted them to
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