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  • Miguel de Icaza's avatar
    Focus current sheet also to kill any F2 editing. · 14251401
    Miguel de Icaza authored
    1999-10-21  Miguel de Icaza  <>
    	* src/sheet.c (sheet_accept_pending_input): Focus current sheet
    	also to kill any F2 editing.
    	* (bonobo): Require Bonobo 0.5
    	* src/gnumeric-sheet.c (gnumeric_sheet_selection_cursor_base): New
    	routine to control the "base" spinning location.
    	* src/item-grid.c (item_grid_button_1): Start cell selection if
    	user clicks and a selection is going on.  Reset the spin base here.
    	* src/sheet.c (sheet_cancel_pending_input): Queue a recalc here,
    	as we have modified the cell values.
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