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  • JP Rosevear's avatar
    Call sort_permute with the given permutation index (sort_contents): Call · 13960fdc
    JP Rosevear authored
    2000-06-06  JP Rosevear  <>
    	* src/sort.c (sort_position): Call sort_permute with the given
    	permutation index
    	(sort_contents): Call sort_qsort to get a permutation index and
    	then use sort_permute to actually move the rows
    	(sort_permute): Use copy and paste to move rows/cols around
    	(sort_permute_next): Find next row/col the hasn't been set based
    	on the permutation array
    	(sort_permute_is_set): Find if a a bit in a bit array is set
    	(sort_permute_set): Set a bit in a bit array
    	(sort_permute_find): Find a given number in a permutation array
    	(sort_qsort): Produce a permutation index for sorting rows or cols
    	(sort_swap): Swap two entries in the permutation index
    	(sort_compare_sets): Compare two sets of cells
    	(sort_compare_cells): Compare two cells
    	(sort_data_destroy): Destroy SortData struct
    	* src/commands.c (cmd_sort): Store the new sort data structure
    	(cmd_sort_redo): Call sort_contents only if a permutation index
    	does not already exist, otherwise use the index with sort_postion
    	(cmd_sort_undo): Create an inverse of the permutation index
    	if it doesn't already exit to call sort_positon with
    	* src/commands.h: New cmd_sort prototype.
    	* src/workbook.c (sort_cmd): Reflecting sorting API changes
    2000-06-06  JP Rosevear  <>
    	* GUI tidying
    	* dialog-cell-sort.c (dialog_cell_sort_ok): Reflect sorting
    	(dialog_cell_sort_del_clause): ditto
    	(dialog_cell_sort_header_toggled): ditto
    	(dialog_cell_sort): ditto
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