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properties-dialog: Don't set the location as a link

When attempting to read the location row, Orca reads the HTML <a> tags. Also, if the file name has spaces or accentuation, Orca won't read them in a human-readable way.

To fix this, don't set the location as a link, as there are already the "Open in File Manager" button if the user whishes to open the file location. Having both the link and the button is redundant.

Also, now that the location is no longer a link, make the location row as a property row and use "subtitle-lines=1" to ellipsize the location, otherwise the row might become too tall if the location is long.

Before After
Screenshot_from_2024-05-23_17-35-06 Screenshot_from_2024-05-23_17-34-53

By the way, Nautilus also don't set the file/folder location as a link:


Edited by Automeris naranja

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