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  • Kalev Lember's avatar
    plugin loader: Extend error message scraping to app IDs · 9270ddb7
    Kalev Lember authored
    We were already adding origin IDs to error messages; this extends the
    same mechanism to allow adding app IDs as well.
    The motivation for doing so is to be able to change the flatpak plugin
    from updating one app at a time to doing all apps in one transaction,
    but when we do that then the plugin loader no longer knows how to map
    errors to apps. This adds the mechanism for that.
    It's all pretty hacky, but not more so than the existing origin ID
    This also improves things somewhat and removes the need for the UI code
    to know and handle unique ID prefixes in the error messages. Instead,
    the plugin loader now does all the work and strips any unique ID