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flatpak: Properly check if an app is a runtime

Phaedrus Leeds requested to merge fix-locale-updates into master

In gs_flatpak_set_kind_from_flatpak(), we use AS_APP_KIND_LOCALIZATION and AS_APP_KIND_GENERIC in addition to AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME, all for things which from Flatpak's perspective are runtimes (their ref starts with "runtime/"). So change checks in a few places to correctly identify Flatpak runtimes instead of checking for AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME, which has the effect of ensuring that applications properly show as needing an update when their locale extension needs an update, e.g. because the user chose a language other than the one the locale extensions already have.

Together with an update of libflatpak to 1.7.3 when that is released, this commit addresses the issue described in this MR: !430 (closed)

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