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app-reviews-dialog: Fix refcount issue in 'GsAppReviewsDialog' refine callback

The refcount fix in gs-app-reviews-dialog.c is fine, but this causes the review dialog to be not finalized until the callback completes (which takes few seconds). Pressing All Reviews button before gs_app_reviews_dialog_app_refine_cb () is called causes the existing code in gs-defails-page.c to invoke gs_shell_modal_dialog_present on an already destroyed window resulting in the following GTK error.

A window is shown after it has been destroyed. This will leave the window in an inconsistent state.

So, gs-defails-page.c has been modified to create a new review dialog every time. Probably, we should get rid of the instance variable, and make it a local variable similar to version history dialog in gs-defails-page.c.

Fixes #2472 (closed)

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