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  • Dan Williams's avatar
    NetworkAgent: handle empty hints and VPN secrets correctly · 17726abb
    Dan Williams authored
    get_secrets_keyring_cb() contained an optimization (copied over from
    nm-applet) that avoided a D-Bus round-trip when NetworkManager sent
    secrets hints that were not satisified by the user.  This code did
    not properly handle empty hints though, and proceeded to always
    request new secrets whenever empty hints were sent.  Remove this
    code entirely since the complexity is not worth it (per Jasper).
    Second, get_secrets_keyring_cb() was mishandling VPN secrets which
    were marked as "always ask".  Because the VPN secrets are not GObject
    properties because they cannot be pre-defined, they are passed in
    a hash table that is a GObject property marked 'secret'.  Unfortunately,
    that means that the shell agent cannot determine their secret flags.
    But since the VPN plugin auth dialogs have much better information
    about what's required than the shell agent does, always ask the VPN
    auth dialogs to handle the secrets requests after grabbing any that
    already exist from the keyring.  This is also what nm-applet does.