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  • Pedro Sader Azevedo's avatar
    shell/window-tracker: Update docs on chromium shortcuts · 72208da0
    Pedro Sader Azevedo authored and Pedro Sader Azevedo's avatar Pedro Sader Azevedo committed
    The format of the .desktop file names and their StartupWMClass of
    Chromium and Chrome shortcuts has changed, so update the docs to match
    the most recent versions of these web browsers.
    The user interface to create shortcuts has also changed. They are no
    longer created through a "Tools" menu (which doesn't exist anymore), but
    rather through a "Save and share" menu. So add that to the docs as well.
    Finally, replace the examples using the GNOME Wiki with examples using
    the new GNOME Developer Handbook.
    Closes: #7482
    Part-of: <!3289>