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  • Florian Müllner's avatar
    extensionSytem: Rename ENABLED/DISABLED states · e6624f8b
    Florian Müllner authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The ENABLED state means that an extension's `enable()` method
    was called successfully.
    This usually matches whether an extension *should* be enabled
    according to the enabled-extensions/disabled-extensions settings,
    but not necessarily: If an extension had an error or does not
    support the currently active mode, its actual state is different.
    We currently only expose the actual state to external tooling,
    but whether an extension should be enabled is relevant as well,
    for example to disable a lock-screen only extension from the
    regular session.
    For that purpose we will expose a separate `enabled` property.
    To avoid confusion with the existing states, change the exposed
    names to (IN)ACTIVE.
    This does not affect the D-Bus API, as the numeric values of
    the states remain unchanged.
    Part-of: <!3073>